Michigan House Republicans
What’s up, With Woz: Prompt Payment by Insurance Companies
RELEASE|May 2, 2023
Contact: Doug Wozniak

I recently introduced legislation to encourage insurance providers to make prompt payment on personal-injury-protection-claims for medical and occupational therapy services. This two-bill package would amend the Insurance Code of 1956 to incentivize more timely payment of health professionals, who render treatment or occupational therapy to persons injured in an accident covered by personal injury protection insurance, by eliminating fee schedule caps on late payments and establishing a simple interest rate of 12% per annum on overdue payments. Physicians and therapists that render professional, life-sustaining services to patients who have been injured in vehicle accidents already struggle under an unreasonably low fee limit, they should not also have to carry the cost of the services they provide, for months, while awaiting payment by insurers.

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