Representative Bill G. Schuette visited a trio of area schools on Monday to celebrate March Is Reading Month and talk with students about the importance of a skill that will serve them both now and well into the future.
Schuette visited with students from the CHEMinistry Homeschool Co-op at Northwood University’s Hach Center, along with students at Calvary Baptist Academy and Woodcrest Elementary in Midland. March is National Reading Month, a celebration that encourages reading for all ages and promotes reading as a key feature for learning, social and professional development.
“As a proud graduate of Midland Public Schools, I am glad I started reading early, which helped me grow into a lifelong reader. March is a great month to recognize the many different ways reading helps children develop and learn,” Schuette said. “Higher literacy rates leads to better results in the classroom and increases a student’s likelihood of graduating.
“I am incredibly thankful to be able to stop in, visit with local students and staff, and read a favorite of mine Woodrow for President. I appreciate the time and know we have some fellow lifelong readers in Mid-Michigan.”
Schuette represents the 95th District in the Michigan House, which includes all of Midland County.

PHOTO INFORMATION: State Rep. Bill G. Schuette reads with students at Woodcrest Elementary School in Midland on Monday, March 11. Schuette visited several local schools to celebrate March Is Reading Month in the state of Michigan.

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