Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Rigas supports ending radical federal overreach in education
RELEASE|March 20, 2025
Contact: Angela Rigas

State Rep. Angela Rigas (R-Caledonia) today cast a key vote to support the Trump Administration’s efforts to return education to the states. House Resolution 55 affirms the House’s support for ending the Department of Education overreach and encourages Congress to work with the administration to further return control to the states.

“The Tenth Amendment speaks for itself,” Rigas said. “Powers not specifically named to the federal government, or prohibited to the states, belong to the states. Local educators know far more about our kids and what they need than career bureaucrats in D.C. ever will.”

President Trump has publicly affirmed his support for closing the department in full and returning all control to the states. The administration has stated key services like special education programs and loans would go to other federal departments, such as the Department of Health and Human Services and the Treasury. Rigas said she supports shutting down the Department of Education as an entity and bringing education under Michigan’s control, in line with the Constitution.

“We’re sick and tired of pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into this department, and we’ve only seen our test scores decline,” Rigas said. “The department spent $268 billion last year, and to what end? Overseeing the education of our children is a state’s right, and the states spoke their mind when we elected President Trump and Republicans in a landslide last November. The states want change and an end to this federal overreach plaguing our country.”

The resolution passed the Michigan House of Representatives Thursday afternoon. For more information, please contact Rep. Angela Rigas at (517) 373-1403 or via email at AngelaRigas@house.mi.gov.


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