Rep. Johnsen issued the following statement after Keene Township overturned a proposed solar ordinance that would allow for broad development of solar farms in her home district. The legislator expressed her disappointment in continued efforts to push radical energy mandates despite clear opposition from the people of Michigan:
“On Tuesday, we saw the people of Keene Township clearly and loudly object to proposed solar ordinances that would have drastically increased the development of solar farms in my district. Yet Lansing Democrats continue to push for radical, costly and unnecessarily rushed energy mandates similar to ones that have resulted to rolling blackouts in California.
“We’re supposed to be a state ruled by the people for the people. But the majority caucus in the Legislature have shown that they don’t care what the people of Michigan want – they’re going to push through their radical green agenda whether our local communities like it or not. This isn’t the way government is supposed to work. Local governments understand the unique needs of their community, so they are best suited for making decisions about local land. The laws being passed in Lansing will allow locals zero say in determining what’s best for their communities. I’m supremely disappointed in the way this misguided plan is being forced on Michiganders.”

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