Michigan House Republicans

Rep. Mike Harris, left, testifies before the House Judiciary Committee alongside Reps. Dave Prestin and Carrie Rheingans in Lansing on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Harris and his colleagues testified in support of House Bills 5741-5743, their bipartisan plan to promote training and intervention to prevent blood loss in emergencies.

House panel considers Rep. Harris plan to ‘Stop the Bleed,’ save lives
RELEASE|June 12, 2024
Contact: Mike Harris

State Rep. Mike Harris on Wednesday testified in support of his bipartisan plan to promote training and intervention to prevent blood loss in emergencies.

The House Judiciary Committee is considering House Bills 5741-5743, introduced by Harris, R-Waterford; Rep. Dave Prestin, R-Cedar River; and Rep. Carrie Rheingans, D-Ann Arbor. Harris, a retired police sergeant and former EMT, said liability protections and proper training in bleeding control techniques will give people the knowledge and confidence to save lives.

“When someone is injured and bleeding, others can administer immediate care to stop the bleed until professionals arrive,” Harris said. “Simple training in bleeding control techniques goes a long way in preparing people to apply pressure to open wounds and save lives, and Michigan should incorporate this training into high school health classes alongside existing training on how to perform CPR and use AEDs. When emergencies do arise, bystanders should confidently do their best to provide life-saving aid without fear of legal retaliation. Our bipartisan plan will give people the experience and confidence they need to prevent blood loss and save lives.

Harris’ HB 5741 would require high school health courses to include instruction on how to stop bleeding using tourniquets, bandages, and other equipment in first aid response kits. Under the Michigan Merit Curriculum, students must complete a half-credit in health to graduate high school.

HBs 5742 and 5743 would add bleeding control to the state’s good Samaritan law, which protects individuals from legal liability for attempting to save lives in certain emergencies. The law currently applies to administration of an opioid antagonist, CPR, and other emergency response situations. A person would still be liable for acts and omissions that amount to gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct.

The plan promoting bleeding control echoes the national Stop the Bleed campaign, which raises awareness and facilitates training about bleeding control tactics.

The bills remain under consideration by the committee.

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