Michigan House Republicans
House Democrat dysfunction continues as they disregard shared power
RELEASE|January 18, 2024
Contact: Matt Hall

House Republican Leader Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, on Thursday issued the following statement after House Democrats abruptly adjourned House session without taking a single vote:

“House Democrats are in disarray as they disregard shared power and dismiss bipartisan discussions about how to find common ground and solve the biggest problems facing the people of Michigan. Today, they held no votes and abruptly ended session while House Republicans were in caucus discussing the day’s agenda. We found out they were leaving for the day on the House TV livestream. Even Senate Democrats are reevaluating the partisan alignment of their committees, but House Democrats won’t even make committees more bipartisan with our chamber split evenly between Republicans and Democrats. Now if ever is the time for us to work together and address our state’s major challenges, but House Democrats prefer to go their own dysfunctional way.”

The House of Representatives is evenly divided with 54 Republicans and 54 Democrats after two Democrats resigned late last year. House Democrat leaders have so far rejected Republican efforts to provide more balance and bipartisanship to the House process — such as more balance in committee makeup. Meanwhile, the Senate Democrat majority on Thursday removed some Democrat committee assignments in the chamber.

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