Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Zorn named to Housing subcommittee
RELEASE|March 17, 2023
Contact: Dale Zorn

State Rep. Dale Zorn was recently appointed to serve on a House panel tasked with increasing access to affordable housing in Michigan.

Zorn, of Onsted, will serve on the Economic Development and Small Business Subcommittee on Housing for the remainder of the 2023-24 legislative session.

“Many Michigan communities are experiencing shortages in affordable housing,” Zorn said. “It really becomes a major factor when companies want to expand and create a significant number of new jobs in one area. They must consider whether affordable housing is available nearby.”

In addition to the new appointment, Zorn continues to serve as vice chair of the House Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee and as a member of the Higher Education Committee.

Residents may contact Zorn’s office via email at DaleZorn@house.mi.gov or call (517) 373-8808.


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