Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Zorn: Long-lasting tax relief is on its way to people across Michigan
RELEASE|March 3, 2023
Contact: Dale Zorn

State Rep. Dale Zorn today celebrated advancing legislation that cuts taxes for retirees and working families across Michigan while also allowing the automatic income tax cut to kick in and put more in the pockets of every single Michigander.

Current state law requires an automatic income tax rollback when the state’s tax revenue increases dramatically from one year to the next, resulting in a large surplus.

Zorn, R-Onsted, said Gov. Whitmer did all she could to thwart the law and prevent the rollback that Michigan taxpayers are owed, but Republicans in the Legislature successfully fought back against her efforts.

“This is a huge win for hardworking Michiganders,” Zorn said. “The income tax cut is going to take effect this spring, allowing everyone to keep more of what they earn. Over time, this has the potential to save billions of dollars for taxpayers and small businesses in our community.”

The Michigan Senate advanced House Bill 4001 Tuesday night after failing for a second time to give the bill immediate effect, which was necessary to implement a provision to shift state money around, as the governor requested, to block the permanent income tax cut.

Other elements of the plan headed to the governor include increased tax savings for retired seniors and a significantly higher earned income tax credit for working families. Zorn championed these policies when House Republicans proposed them as part of their tax relief plan at the beginning of the year.


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